Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hair Clips Of Your Choice: Most Women Prefer

Hair Clips Of Your Choice: Most Women Prefer


You are particular about your attire. You are conscious about your footwear. Everything comes in perfect match when you put them on. So how can you be drab with your hairstyle when everything is prettily put in order? When hair care and hair style matters hair clips come in. Pretty women are very fond of hair accessories and hair clips share a big part of their dressing kit.

Hair clips are exclusively fashionable among the hair dressing accessories and come in vivid designs, colors and various shapes. Each one is made for particular type of hair. Again hair clips are needed for setting of hair and giving them curls. So partly fashion and partly requirement, hair clips for ladies are unanimous.

Some elegant and stylish hair clips which you would love to buy and keep; check the list:

- Jumbo jaw or you may know it as combing clutch. Fashionable jumbo jaws manufactured by France Luxe look splendid when put around to hold together thick, curly hair. The jumbo jaws come in different shades and sometimes in a single color and also in combination of shades with patches all over the body of the jaw. Matching it with your outfit gives a great look. And this type of clip is must to hold the hair tight in case the hair is thick and difficult to set in a shape.

- Four tooth jaws are common and used at any time to club the hair. The designing is very smart. With a round like body shape the four teeth are rightly spaced at exact gaps and the distance between the two is wider than ordinary jaw clips. This helps to make a pony at ease or a form a knot without letting the hair spreading out on your face. A casual wear but goes
pretty well with style.

- Long barrettes come down from the classical era it seems. And long and skinny barrettes have never been out of fashion. Especially for long hairs this barrette is unparallel. Just brush your hair and clip it around the hair from the neck portion. Style up the front in partite portions or back brush and pull the hair tight to lock them in the barrette.

- Latest and most hot of current style are the dragon hair clips. Simply smart these hair clips have been technologically devised with a push and pull button system. Your hair remains secured within the hold and when you remove not a single hair gets broken. Buy one immediately and feel good to style up your hair with this beautiful clip of modern era.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

Jason Uvios writes about on Hair clips of your choice: Most women prefer to visit :-,

Tips on Bowling for Ladies

Tips on Bowling for Ladies


Any lady interested in the game of bowling? You are welcome here to learn more about the game. The participation of the ladies has taken the game to the family level. It was played by men before. And you have to know that there are some things different between the men's type and that of the women's. And there have been a lot of changes in the places where and how the game of bowling are played since the ladies have taken up the game.

Thanks to the ladies, bowling has become a family game. Years ago, it was a game strictly for men to enjoy, because bowling alleys were places in which women and girls could hardly afford to be seen. Poorly lighted and poorly ventilated, equipped with a goodly supply of cuspidors and shady characters, and located in dingy basements, the alleys were anything but inviting. The entrance of the first good-sized contingent of feminine bowlers into the game was the signal for a tremendous change. Owners and operators of bowling establishments realized that to attract this desirable element they would have to clean up and police their premises.

Out went the cuspidors and the seedy characters in came modernistic furnishings and illumination. Later came air conditioning. And now proprietors are vying with each other to outdo themselves in erecting splendid palaces for the sport. It was a wonderful thing for the women, too. Those who had been sitting at bridge tables day after day suddenly discovered that they could get a fine type of exercise which would allow them to keep their trim figures without effort. The thrill of real competition was furnished to many of them for the first time in their lives. Any fears that they might have had that the game was too strenuous were disproved by the performance of such mites as Allie Brandt, the 122-pound kegler with the 886 series rolled with a ball no faster than that rolled by a woman. Girls weighing just over 100 pounds began shooting 200 games.

Obviously, brute strength was not a necessity and, in fact, often proved to be a hindrance. The ladies are coming up fast in the bowling game now, and why shouldn't they? When you analyze it, the sport is a natural one for them, for it puts a premium on smoothness, gracefulness and rhythm, with which the average woman is born. We have already pointed out that mere brawn has no advantage in the game, for excessive speed and power are actually a detriment rather than a help. Getting started correctly is far more important to the ladies than to the men. Men, as a rule, have more powerful muscles which enable them to control the ball despite poor footwork and timing, something that the average woman beginner cannot do. If she should get started wrong, it is far more difficult for her to improve.


To begin with, a woman should determine for herself the weight of the ball she can control one that she can handle without dropping, or getting excessively tired, especially in the final game of a series. True, many women can, and do, handle a limit-weight 16-pound ball with ease, but others, due to weaker wrists, or because of their size or the work they do, must choose one of lighter weight. After you have bowled for some time and have become familiar with the fundamentals of the game, you will find that you can handle a heavier ball, because a proper delivery makes the ball seem lighter. A heavier ball tends to increase your accuracy and improve your average, but that is true only when it is handled without effort. Bowling balls range in weight from 10 to 16 pounds. You might begin at any weight over 10, and work to perfect your timing and footwork, so that when your delivery is at the point where you feel it is "grooved" and the ball seems to be too light, you can graduate to a ball of more weight.

The questions of how many finger holes the ball should have are debatable where men are concerned but not with women. I would say that 99 per cent of the ladies would be better off using a three- fingered ball. Once in a great while we find a girl who can handle effectively the two-fingered type, but this is quite the exception. I advise the three-fingered variety. The reason for this is quite simple. When you use a three-fingered ball, you support a weight of 16 pounds or close to that with your two fingers and thumb. In using a two-fingered ball, you are forcing one finger to do the work of two in lifting. Men, possessed of stronger fingers and muscles, can do this fairly well, but for an overwhelming percentage of women bowlers, it is exceedingly inadvisable. The strain put upon them by the two-fingered grip is tremendous, especially after they have bowled several games.

As you may see that there are many changes in the ways the men and women play the game of bowling. From the weight of the ball to the numbers of finger holes etc. But it is for sure that the ladies cannot match the power and stamina of the men.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

Mitch Johnson is a regular writer for . His articles have also appeared on and

Fashion Trends For Your Kids

Fashion Trends For Your Kids


Carrying fashion trends is not as easy as you think, and some people make a complete fool out of themselves because they do not know how to carry-out such trends. The most popular trendsetters are celebrities and movie stars who are seen in various media outlets. But in the end, it is the public who decides which is trendy and which is not.

The world changes, progresses and grows every day, although at a different rate most of the time. But fashion is here to stay, and it changes along with other things. After all, change is the only permanent thing in this world.

Fashion designers and trendsetters focus on originality, beauty, and ideals. It is one way of expressing yourself because it is a reflection of your mentality, cultural providence, feelings, and personality.

Fashion trends are regarded as an art in pragmatic form, because it is a combination of aesthetics and practicality. It is usually influenced by many social and cultural factors, and each generation has its own distinct fashion characteristics or traits.

Before, fashion fever involved only the adults, but todays modern world has greatly changed. Even children are already in line with fashion trends.

The fashion industry now caters to childrens designer clothing. Young children can now enjoy a varied and extensive range of fashion clothes, which helps them to set a fashion trend of their own.

Even very young children have their own preferences, and many fashion designers are now focusing on babies and childrens wear. You can now find colorful, original, ingenious, stimulating, and appealing clothes for both the girls and the boys. You can now find superhero costumes and outfits, as well as accessorized girls dresses.

Children of todays times are inclined towards aesthetics, originality, and beauty. Clothing stores for children provide a wide range of clothing choices for boys and girls; and so your little one is taught to choose a particular fashion trend at a very early age.

Clothing lines today are equally attractive as childrens toys. There is an increasing awareness among children about the value of wearing fashionable clothes.

Unlike before, childrens clothes are more affordable and this is due to emerging discount shops, import of clothes, and equal merchandise distribution between clothing stores and supermarkets.

Another contributor to the reduction of childrens clothes prices is the increasing number of online stores. Most online stores offer high quality clothing articles at a much cheaper price. You can choose from among a wide variety of designer clothes and other costcutting alternatives.

Online stores, and local clothing stores, offer boys suits, shirts, trousers and girls dresses and capes. They also offer unisex items, along with childrens accessories like bow ties, booties, and shoes.

If you want to save a lot of effort and time, you can make an online purchase. All you need is an Internet connection and you can choose from among the many websites that sells childrens clothing.

But if you want to do a little shopping together with your kids, there are also many local stores in your area. Let your child choose among the magnificent displays of clothing line-ups. Your childs creativity and aesthetic sense will reflect his or her choice of clothes.

Do not let your child be left behind; give them the opportunity to keep up with fashion trends. Let them choose clothes which they feel are comfortable to wear and makes them look great.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

Now there is a gallery of powerful information yours for the taking. Decide now to reduce stress and improve the quality of your life. Click here:

Women's Handbags, Perfect Gift this Christmas

Women's Handbags, Perfect Gift this Christmas


A new trend of handbag is what most women always catch their attention and interest. Since they have strong passion for different stylish handbags, they do love changing and matching them with their outfit all the time.

A handbag is an essential and fashionable item to carry for most women who are conscious and eye-detailed to their fashion outlook. They are said to be incomplete without wearing a handbag because it seems that something is missing on their outfit if they doesn't come along with this important fashion accessory. On the other hand, they can be looked as the best as they can be if they carry a handbag on their body. That's because, handbag makes their outfit complete and helps them achieve a fascinating and captivating fashion style they most wanted. They also consider it as a complement partner for their clothing such as shoes, jeans, skirts, blouses and dresses because it enhances their look accompany with a handbag.

Since handbag is an excellent indicator of women's fashion preferences, it is considered as a perfect present this holiday season for all the women who have a special place in your heart. It is also an ideal choice as a special gift for them because it can be personalized based on their desire, taste and personality through the help of various selections of styles, type, colors and designs to choose from.

Giving a handbag as a personal gift for your mom, sisters, girlfriends and friends is no doubt a practical way of making them extra special, since it has become their compulsory accessory as they need to carry large amount of significant things such as files for their business related works, books for their school works, girl stuffs such as make up for their hang outs and other valuable tech stuffs such as cell phones and ipod that are part of their daily lifestyle. Just be sure to choose a handbag that matches to their likes and needs and it will assure you that they will appreciate the effort you've made in selecting perfect handbag and they will recognize how much you care for them.

So you can't go wrong by giving your loved one with a handbag since its functions and uses are suitable to their basic necessity and to their fashion statements. There's no doubt that handbag is a great gift choice that fits their interest and passion for fashion this holiday season.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

The author recommends to visit StyleRunway, an online shopping site that offers various selection of quality branded products for men and women. Just visit this site to get the best deals on designer's clothes, designer handbags and other fashion accessories at reasonable price.

A New Era in Fashion

A New Era in Fashion


Fashion is a way of life; an attitude that transcends through your ensemble displaying your own originality. It allows people to express their feelings and make statements through their clothes and accessories. For instance, wearing a sexy outfit may illicit an individual to feel more sexy and playful. The classicism and elegance of fashion is evolving, allowing it to take on a touch of originality, fantasy, and sensuality not only in the fabrics, but in designs and styles. This Contemporary and relaxed attitude creates a look by associating colors and designs which can transform jeans, shirts, purses or even dresses in a unique and glamorous collaboration. Imagery is a new concept used by fashion designers to enhance these creative possibilities.

In the context of today's civilization, the concept of imagery comes to life. Imagery no longer has boundaries and can now be applied to multiple surfaces. It began with printed t-shirts, and now, thanks to new technologies a photo can be part of almost any object. In the past people relied on framed photographs to create a more relaxed emotional state. In today's world, a frame is not limited to the metal object that sits on your desk and holds a picture, but rather an item that is carried with you anywhere you may go.
The fact is that history seemingly repeats itself. Only recently we saw influences from the 70's and now undertones from the 80's are beginning to surface. This fall fashion trends will include bright colors and mixed original designs. In the world of accessories, the must do(s) and must not(s) have changed, revealing another side of fashion.

Fashion has become a pleasure rather than an obligation. Designers work hard to be the leaders in new trends and to come up with the next legendary accessory. They experiment with embellishments, colors and regardless of styles, create the perfect elegance making fashion the perfect weapon of seduction. The current trend is colorful, making the solid color purse no longer a stylish commodity. In Paris, the fashion capital of the world, you can already see famous fashion designers displaying their uniquely created and colorful accessories. In today's society, promoting uniqueness is a good thing. People look for the trendy accessories with an individually unique touch that matches their own personality. Purses will become more than purses, they will become unique artistic illustrations. Artistic Designers such as Joanna Wiejak, Laurent Maurice and Sophie Varela are already showing us the future in Fashion. Their designs play with bright colors and artistic drawings (e.g., mangas, illustrations, etc.). A few fashion designers go even one step further and melt personal photos into these new generation designs. The photo, then, appears to be part of the design giving high fashion accessories this unique touch people are after. While fashion trends may change, the photos that are incorporated into the overall design are timeless.

In other words, with this revolution of imagery, the use of photos is limitless and will bring to everyone a feeling of personalized fashion. Even though Fashion should not transform who you are, it can transform your image and allow you to help create the trend.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

Jean Pierre Raynal designs upscale fashion accessories that incorporate this new imagery concept. Find out how your own picture can become a part of your personal accessory at